Print for better eating
November 28 2024A printer in the kitchen? At first sight, it might seem a little incongruous. Incongruous and yet possible today: that’s what this third podcast in the Parlons Sciences! series is all about. In the company of David Blumenthal and Valérie Guénard-Lampron, both teacher-researchers at AgroParisTech and members of the IHAC research team (Interaction homme-aliment conception within theUMR SayFood), let’s discover their latest research project dedicated to the development of personalized food using 3D printers.
Acquiring knowledge and developing a quality offering
The IHAC research team, which works on various food issues (understanding interactions to help design multi-criteria food qualities, analyzing sensory perceptions and consumer behaviors, but also understanding human-food interactions…) set itself the challenge in this research project of acquiring new knowledge and skills on 3D printing and developing an offer (machine, recipes, cartridges) adapted to specific populations, in this case elderly people with swallowing problems. The challenge is to create personalized foods combining nutritional qualities, comfort and pleasure, based on a selection of different flours.
Enjoy your listening !

The work of David Blumenthal, Valérie Guénard-Lampron, Xincheng Liu and Marine Masson was published in Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies in June 2023 and is in open access on the AgroParisTech HAL portal.
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